Eventail.Variation I by Isabelle Fordin

Eventail. Variation I
(800x400 cm)
National Gallery, Bangkok - 2002

Isabelle Fordin born in France, lives and work between France and Rome, Italy.

She graduated in geography of media and in visual arts. She obtained a study grant from the ministry of foreign affairs (France /Italy), and developed her work in Italy.

Her work reflects various ways of inhabiting space, incarnation and visual material both tactile and audible. The artistic work can include installation, photography, video and sound that from 1993 has been exposed in galleries and museums in various cities in Europe, Asia, Australia, America del Sud.

Her works progression intimately integrates diverse forms around a strong sense of the scenic space and it has developed incorporating projects in architecture (selected for the concourse New Signs in Public Art), theatre, street festivals (Naples and Piazza del Popolo and San Lorenzo, Rome), interior design fairs, international award of abstract video art, and garden design.


  1. “Living Room”: the perception of domestic space in a time of pandemic.
    Prisma Studio, Genova

  2. “Reti di ricordi” for the museum Tucci, MACRO, Rome “Considerate”, Tribute to Primo Levy, Einaudi , Rome

  3. “Dimensione Fragile”, Municipal Library Vallicelliana, salone Borromini, Rome
    ‘Tregua’, St Paul’s within the walls

  4. ‘Il giallo’, Tiny Biennale, V. edizione. Temple University, Rome

  5. L’ ”alto” e il “basso”, Dritti in transito, Ex-Dogana, Rome
    Invited in the Biennale, Astana, Kazakhstan.

  6. Invited in the IV Bienal Fin Del Mundo, Plazza dell’Agua, Unzué space, Mar del Plata

  7. Vedute sui libri, Einaudi Rome
    Installation, Festival Vedere Oltre, Narni

  8. Invited in the exhibition In viaggio con Calvino, Casa dell’Architettura, Rome

  9. Sculpture by the Sea, Perth – Cottesloe – Australia, with the support of SxS (special subsidy) and the support of l’Alliance Française of Perth, and Teloni Cusanno Srl, Rome

    Portraits, special Prize of the Gallery Spazio Anna Breda, Padova

    Masterstroke 2012, Havison Gallery in Perth, Australia

    Una luce nel mio libro, international exhibition Gallery Vera Amsellem, Paris

  10. Portraits, Riciclarti 2012, Cantiere di Arte Ambientale, Ex-Macello, Padova
    Concourse with a special Prize

  11. La chambre, Gallery Ugo Ferranti, Rome

  12. Project Otto for the garden Welcome! Future Gardens Festival 2009, Butterfly World Project, England

  13. In – Visibile Spaces, Galleria Ugo Ferranti, Rome. Group show: Daniel Buren, Isabelle Fordin, Alberto Garutti, Michael Huey, Owen Morrel Robert Morris, Marina Paris
    Alterità, A book by the artist, historical, new languages and anonimal material. Open Space, Contempory Art Centre, Catanzaro
    Artist- in- Residence with the French Institute of Florence created the exhibition Passage - Suspension sponsored by the bank Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Mrs Gianna Cimino Pincherle, Mrs Gondi

  14. La Chambre, exhibition at the French Institute of Florence Coproduced by the Florence Arts Academy within the project White Architecture no.1 sponsored by the bank Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze and AAIFF

    Installation, in the White Night in Rome, sponsored by the 3rd Municipality of Rome

    Festival of Creativity, Fortezza dal Basso, Florence

    5th edition of Artist's Book Biennial in the city of Cassino

  15. La Chambre in the project Archittetture del bianco of Vittoria Biasi , Laboratory Museum of Contempory Art of Sapienza University, Rome, MLAC with the support of French Embassy in Italy, Cultural Service BCLA

    Abstracta 2006, video Empty Bottles selected for the International Exhibition of Abstract Cinema, Rome

  16. A tavola con l’Arte, 3rd edition of the project of table decoration promoted by the Chamber of Commerce, Rome. Casaidea 30° Living Exhibition, Rome

    Nib+Icar 2004 - 05 Travelling exhibition of architecture (under 36) with the project Eclipse

  17. Upperground, Vienna and the architectural faculty ex-Mattatoio, Rome

    Eclipse, Arte nella communità, Artandgallery, Milano Il Sole 24 Ore, Context Nuovi Segni 2002/2003: Art in the community.
    Arte publica in Italia: Art Show and Production, Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella

    Ellipse, aerodynamic installation, for the square Largo Monteoliveto, V edition of the Napoli Street Festival, Produced by Global Visions e sponsored by the Port of Naples

  18. Rialto spacefico, Rialto Santambrogio, Rome

    Le Blanc, le Masque et l’Aube: Accords de Lumière. National Gallery Bangkok, III° edition of the project Thai-Italian Space 2002. Curated by Vittoria Biasi. Patronage: Italian Embassy of Bangkok, Bangkok Royal Thai Embassy, with the support of the Alliance Française of Bangkok

  19. Momenti, Space Umberto, Rome Eventail, Variation 1. Accordi di luce: Oriente d’Occidente, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Rome: With the patronage of the subcommission of the department of culture and sport, municipality of Rome, the French Embassy in Rome and the 'Immaginare l'Europa' Network. The exhibition was sponsored by Ministry of Cultural Activities, the National Oriental Art Museum, Silpakor University Bangkok, Royal Thai Embassy, Rome, Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient IsIAO, the French Embassy in Italy, Cultural service, BCLA

  20. Pino a ombrello, Opera Paese, Rome Arte e Materia, Isola Tiberina, Rome

  21. Metronomo sincronico, Biennal of young artists from Europe and the Mediterranean, Rome

  22. Respiro, International Festival di Buto dance, music and contempory art, Theatre Vascello Rome

  23. Cupole, Palais des Arts, Toulouse, France

  24. Massenzio Arte, Fori Imperiali, Rome


    Her work is presented in:

    Massenzio for Art 1995 (catalog)

    Biennal of Young European Artists and Mediterranean of Giorgio Pacifici 1988 (article)

    Ortona Exhibition of Isabelle Fordin 1999 (article)

    Accordi di Luce: Oriente d’Occidente Vittoria Biasi (catalog 2001)

    “Eventail. Variation 1” Maurizio Marrone (text art critic Opera paese 2001)

    “Isabelle Fordin tra Oriente e Occidente”, Giuliana Polenta, (art magazine l’Albatros 2002)

    BravaCasa, (March 2004 intern design magazine and catalog Casaidea 2004)

    Viaggiatori sulla Flaminia, 2005

    Upperground (catalog, ed.manifestolibri, 2005)

    “Empty Bottles”, Domenico Vuoto (text art critic 2006)

    4th edition Premio Celeste, (Catalog 2007)

    5th edition of Artist's Book Biennial in the city of Cassino (Catalog 2007)

    “Portraits”, for the exhibition Passage-Suspension , Domenico Vuoto (text art critic 2008)

    Architetture del bianco. Viaggio teorico-creativo attorno alle lingue del bianco. Vittoria Biasi. (Gangemi Edittore, 2009)

    Bimestrale dell’Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e Provincia p57 a p59 Nov/Dic 2009 (architecture magazine)

    Riciclarti 2011 – Cantiere Arte Ambientale (catalog 2011)

    Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe (catalog 2012)

    “L’Alto e il Basso”, Domenico Vuoto (text art critic 2013)

    Her work has appeared in various magazines and art reviews in France, Italy, Thailand, England, Australia, Argentina, Kazakhstan.


    Throughout her career she has intimately intergrated multidisiplined activities, centered on scenic space in particular. From 1990 to 1993 she was lighting assistant for the performance of Les danseuses d'Izu by the company Flagrant Désirs, in France and created short films for the association Les films du Zèbre and assisted with scenary in the Carcassonne Theatre. In 1993 was head decorator in the production l'Ecrin for the Conservatory of Music of Toulouse, France.

    In 1999 she designed the costumes for the performance of Banquet for the Ford Entertainment Company at the Villa Aldobrandini of Frascati.

    In 2001 was the scenographer for the company Donati-Olesen in Saltimortale at the Juvarra Theatre in Turin and the Flaiano, Rome 2002.

    Collaborated with Nuovo Circo Immaginario for the performance of Flight of the Butterfly, Between Sky and Earth Festival, Piazza del Popolo, Rome 2002 and for the 1st Festival of Street Artists, Viterbo 2003 and in Naples for the Notte Bianca, 2005.

    Artistic director for a theatre workshop to develop a performance of Icaro as a community theatre production in the streets of Monticastelli Pisano 2004. And in 2005 again in Monticastelli Pisano created Telling the story of my homeland, based on collected stories of the inhabitants from the 1920's to the 1950's in collaboration with the faculty of social science, University of Sapienza, Rome.

    2013 L’Uoma dal fiore in bocca of Luigi Pirandello, was invited to design and create the scenes of the show directed by Guido Cerniglia, with Alberto Di Stasio, Walter Nestola, Benedetta Rossi, Music by Loriana Lana, Lights Giorgio Rossi.

    Also collaborated with Rita Caccamo, professor of social science at the Sapienza University of Rome in a debate on a film by Agnes Varda called Without Roof or Rules. Assisted in the presentation of a book, Reading the changes. Through sociology and the working paper of a sociological study of street artists.


    Presentation of a project In Arte in Laguna, Venezia

    Presentation of a project for Expo 2020 Dubai

    Presentation of a project for Expo 2019 Astana, Kazakistan

    Selected for Sculpture by the sea International exhibition/competition, Cottesloe, Australia and supported by Sculpture by the Sea and the French Alliance of Perth, sponsorised by Teloni Cusano srl, Roma.

    Finalist for Riciclarti, Ex-Macello of Padova. Finalist and awarded with the installation sculpture / Photographic Portraits of the Project Passage-Suspension Video concourse Rugabella, Finalist

    Awarded best film at the Rome ZTL Film Fest.'09 exhibition of cinema and video art with a metropolitan theme, Cineclub Detour with the support of Rome Municipality 1 Centre Selected for the project Welcome! for the Future Gardens Festival 2009, Butterfly World Project, England with Anomia studio Architettura. Presentation of art project to be chosen for the entrance of the Museum MAXXI, Rome

    Terna 01: Transmitting energy: a contemporary metaphor. Sweepstakes aimed at promoting contemporary artists and art in Italy and at enhancing the relationship between art and the company through the exploration of the meaning of the transmission of energy. The proposal Opera 7 Fans Opera dedicated to: The seven sages of the bamboo grove de Chen Chongguang (1839/1896). China, Qing Dynasty (ing.8235)

    Interior Spaces and Natural/Festarte Festival, Rome. Selected for the International concourse of Video Art with her video Empty Bottles, Video In Concorso – With funding from the Ministry of the environment and the IMAIE.

    Premio Celeste 2007 selected/ photography catalogue section Muni-X Webart 2007 – concourse winner NAMIR for the sculpture-architecture/section, Patronage X Municipality of Rome

    Abstracta 2006 Selected for an International Festival of Abstract Film in Rome Empty Bottles, Video Aided by a cinemagraphic camera Isabelle Fordin discloses a small detail in the Tibur River level with Tibur Island in the center of Rome, and fixes the image of a noticably suggestive performance in an informative sense. At this point in a small basin of water formed by cross currents at the base of a fall, agitates a polychrome world made up of mostly plastic bottles of different colours and sizes.

    Presentation of a project Labyrinth, synchronized metronome for the Westonbirt Festival of the Garden 2005, England and for the 2005 edition of the International Garden Festival Les Jardins de Metis, Canada. As well as for Parchi dell’Arte, Italy.

    Il Sole 24 Ore, Concorso Nuovi Segni 2002/2003: Art in the community Selected project for Eclipse , an air-filled structure to create a silence and rest in the middle of metropolitan traffic, with 'Self' an architectural firm.

    For Antiche Strade, XIII Buskers & Performers Festival Carpineto Romano 2002. Sabine Anne Deshais and Isabelle Fordin (France). “A tout Prix” – visual art installation. First prize section ‘Free’ proposed visual art: Architectural. Sights and points of view and in particular with respect to the Carpineto landscape. Rediscovered by the framing of the sight to give value to the chosen image.
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